Geometric Shape Shading

Lesson Title: Geometric Shape Shading

Lesson Description: 
    As an intermediary lesson to value study, students will shade simple geometric shapes in value.  Each objects will have a single fixated light source and students should show value ranging from light to dark.  Following are four shapes students would work on.
  • Cube
  • Cylinder
  • Cone
  • Sphere (optional)


Student Objectives:
Main Objective:
The students will shade four geometric shade with graphite pencil.
Subsidiary Objective:
The students will locate the light-source
The students will identify the location of the highlight, mid-tone, and Shade.
The students will lay down multiple layers of graphite to get darker value.
The students will use the appropriate pencils (6H ~ 6B) per each value.


Lesson Procedure: 
  1. Introduction
    As a practice, students will shade simple geometric shapes in value to get the sense of 3 dimensional form.  During the introduction, teacher sample will be provided along with key visual terms. (Highlight, Mid-tone, Shade, Shadow, etc)
  2. Teacher Demo
    Using the overhead projector, teacher will explain the work procedure.

    1. Draw the outline of the shapes
    2. Identify the location of the highlight / mid-tone / shade / shadow
    3. Shade from dark to light.
  3. Production
    Students will complete their geometric shape drawing by following the procedure above.

